PADI Equipment Specialist This course will familiarize divers with the operation and maintenance of diving equipment. Whether it's a blown o-ring, regulator problems, wetsuit tear or a broken fin strap, you will learn how to manage basic equipment issues. As a Equipment Specialist you will be prepared for basic equipment maintenance, care and adjustments you'll encounter every day.
During this course, you'll: Develop practical knowledge of the theory, principles and operation of diving equipment. You will be able to perform routine, recommended care and maintenance procedures. You as a diver will learn how to properly store your equipment. Learn common problems with equipment and recommended professional maintenance procedures. Introduce you to new ideas on equipment and/or help you improve what you have now. Process in filling tanks, filtration systems, inspecting tanks and how they are made. Gluing of neoprene material, clean and checking of BCD, disassembly of equipment and more.
There will be a lot of hands on in this course..... The Fun Part is....the more you know about how your dive gear works, the more... Comfortable you are with it Performance you get from it How you can care for it and make it last
What do I need to start?: PADI Scuba Diver or Junior Scuba Diver (or qualifying certification from another organization) Minimum age of 12 years Paper and Pen for writting down information (There will be many handouts given) Recommended: PADI Encyclopedia of Recreational Diving (We have these in stock at Pacific Watersports) Call Pacific Watersports at 503-642-3483 for more details
Cost of Course: $125.00 includes; 10 hours of training and PADI certification - To view up-coming class schedule click HERE or to view detailed store calendar click HERE